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IMR – The Swan – Bob Burns

How would it be if you always knew that your client was in hypnosis? That you could convince everybody in a way that they would know they are hypnotized? How would it be if you could really contact the subconscious mind?

Bob Burns discovered a way that allows you to make that contact easily, playfully and even magically with the Swan…

The Swan

The Swan is a way to make contact with the subconscious mind of the client in a playful manner. The client is looking at his hand with his eyes wide open when suddenly the subconscious mind takes over. The reaction of the client is one of surprise and astonishment. You know immediately that the critical mind is surpassed and that you have a hypnotic state.

Every hypnotist knows that surpassing the critical mind is the most important part in hypnosis and Bob found a way to do that playfully and magically.The Swan

Thats why I am very proud that Bob Burns wants to learn this technique to you on the 5th of October.

IMR – Ideo Motor Responses

When you have Ideo Motor Responses, you have contact with the subconscious but the classic way was a bit flawed. You never really knew if it was a clear subconscious response or if the client was eager to help you. With the swan you don’t have that problem because:

  • The client knows he is being hypnotized
  • You have true contact with the subconscious
  • Your session will be successful
  • Even people who are controlfreaks can easily make contact with the Swan

So if you have a client were nothing is working and they want to have control over the session, the swan can help you.

Succesful Sessions

So from then on you have more success in your sessions, create more change and you will convince your client with the Swan. You will learn:

  • How to create IMR (ideo motor responses)
  • What the difference is between a real IMR an a fake one
  • How to create permanent change in your client with IMR
  • How to install a real IMR with confidence
  • How to play the game of the Swan, the IMR+
  • New techniques
  • And much much more…

So on the 5th of October you can learn this unique protocol from the developer himself, masterhypnotist Bob Burns. A lot of famous hypnotists are using his technique, like Jonathan Chase, and they all are saying the same thing about it:

‘This technique is the gateway to the flock’

This unique workshop will take place in the venue of Hypnose Instituut Nederland on the Weverstraat 53 in Wormerveer (near Amsterdam). Your investment for this day is 297 euro and if you sign up before the first of July you get the early bird price of 197 euro.

If you want to join you can sign up with the form below



Comment Section

7 reacties op “IMR – The Swan – Bob Burns

Door Ellen Hokke op 16 juni 2014

Graag ontvang ik informatie over het programma tav de workshop imr op 5 oktober.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Ellen Hokke

Door colette Ebben-Pastoor op 24 juni 2014

heb Bob Burns in Portsmouth gezien en cursus gevolgd, dat was geweldig. Hij is een goede leraar en een beminnelijk mens. Ik denk dat ik alleen al voor de gezelligheid nog een keer kom

met vriendelijke groet,

Door Louise Dijkman op 26 juni 2014

Klinkt als inspirerend, ik ben zeer benieuwd wat ik me van deze workshop kan voorstellen. Wat zijn de tijden? Is het inclusief lunch? Wat staat er op de agenda? Graag wat meer info. Met vriendelijke groet, Louise Dijkman

Door Fredy Müller op 23 september 2014

Hoi Edwin,
Edwin en Hanneke bedankt voor de herinnering per e-mail! Ik doe ook heel graag mee a.s. 5 oktober aan de Workshop van Bob Burns: De Swan!
Hoe kan ik het beste het bedrag ad 197 euro betalen? Graag hoor ik van je.

Lieve groeten,

Plaats een reactie
